Why am I teaching? (Different than "Why I Teach")

by 4:31 PM 0 comments
First of all, this post won't be necessarily about technology in education. But I do want to say that I am using voice command on my iPhone to write this post so the technology itself is doing some work. That does mean I need to go back and do a little bit of editing after this post, but oh well.

In a previous post I've talked about why I teach and in that post it's at a lot of different things including that I wanted to make things better for my kids and other people. Lately, it's been harder and harder for me to see that. No, it's not because I have "bad classes," but I am inundated with many non-teaching tasks. With that being said, I understand the data is needed to understand a child's development. And record keeping is important for the upward mobility of children. But our society is so caught up and statistics when it comes to education that we're forgetting that we actually have to cater to the kids needs; oh and teach them once in a while.

As I stayed home sick today and sifted through my 30+ emails of things I need to do when I go back (of which contain data wall information, homebound resources, and home visits with the administration and graduation coaches) I think to myself are these kids even being taught anymore? Or are we just lumping them in a bell curve data point area of achievement?

I'm a non-traditional teacher. I didn't always want to do this job. But I see now that it is a great fit for me. It fit my post-secondary education, and I absolutely love helping kids learn and succeed in the field I was taught to love. I never think of teaching as "a job" and I don't think I'll ever leave it.

But, when making sure a student is on track to graduate, calling their parents to make sure to check up on their kids' work and attendance, filing daily reports on kids with behavior issues, filing a report on each contact with parents/guardians/other teachers (if it's a homeroom kid), and trying to actually teach, it's easy to see how a teacher could get burned out.

I remember hearing somewhere that if a teacher can make it through the first five-years, they are generally there for the long haul. I'm in my 6th full year, but with all of the education changes from the government and local levels, the focus shift from each student, to federal data/money, I start to think that the five year mark might be on the low end.

I have an extra long lunch because my planning period falls during lunch hour. And every single day I work during my lunch. All of the way through. Just trying to keep my head above water. Sometimes, I forget to eat. And most times, I have kids in my room during that "planning" time, which should really be renamed "catch up" time.

My first rant. Thanks for reading. Comment below with your thoughts.



I do a lot of things. The best thing I do is fathering (I think). I'm the ol' "Jack of all trades, Master of none." I teach aspiring journalists. I run. I play guitar(s). I also host a running podcast. Oh, and I dabble in drawing. And I dabble in authoring... children's books no less. I just dabble. Sometimes I ramble.


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